After trying Firefox Nightly (previously Firefox Preview) on Android, I want to have my say on the features that I would like to see, since I have always been on the side of Firefox for a long time, for obvious reasons that I will not explain to you.
The features I'm going to list are features already in the PC ver. but absent in the Android / iOS ver., features in other browsers and some interesting ideas of mine.
Let's start...
- Web page translator-
Since there is no native functionality on Firefox that allows you to translate web pages, in the PC ver. of Firefox I often use the Flagfox to translate a web page with Google Translate integrated into the extension.
For the moment, Flagfox has not yet arrived in the Android / iOS ver.
- Customize and configure plugins -
By plugins I mean such as OpenH264 Video Codec and Shockwave Flash (although, fortunately, it is outclassed).
- Check the source code -
My being curious and also insecure leads me to check the source code of a web page to see how it has been developed and to see if there is something strange and malicious. This feature has been around for a long time in the PC version of Firefox.
- Install other graphic themes -
For now, only generic black and white are available as a graphic theme.
- Remodel the History and Bookmarks screen -
Since in my History and Bookmarks I have a mountain of web pages, it would be very useful to implement the search, functionality that is already in the PC ver. and is very useful if you want to search more quickly for the web page you are looking for, instead of wasting time scrolling through pages.
In addition, I would like the structure of these screens to be very similar to a File Manager, so as to make the user experience easier. Who wants to understand understand!
- Video in Picture-in-Picture (PiP) does not remain active -
I'll explain! Let's say that while I am watching and / or listening to a video from YouTube in a web version, I want to browse some other web page.
In the PC ver. it is not only possible but the video in PiP remains active, while in the Android / iOS ver. it is the exact opposite. Fortunately, the video in PiP remains active when we exit the Firefox app (without kill the process), but this is only possible if, first, we activate the full screen from the video of the web version of YouTube.
I realize that I explained myself in a complicated way, but who wants to understand understand!
- Remodel the curtain of active web pages -
What I don't like is that the curtain is not ergonomic, since it is too high to be usable in the lower part of the device while holding it in one hand. All this is due to the active web pages ordered vertically, rather than horizontally, with a lot of scrolling between one page and another in the Carosello style.
It would be useful and convenient to implement the possibility of opening the curtain by scrolling up from the navigation bar (if the navigation bar is at the top, scroll down), also being able to switch between one web page and another scrolling sideways from the navigation bar, functionality that's on Chrome.
- Set the incoming of notifications -
What do I mean? In the Android / iOS ver. there is no possibility to manually set which website we want / do not want notifications to incoming, but everything will be done automatically.
- More compatibility in extensions -
One of the biggest problems of Android / iOS ver. of Firefox that has always had over time is the rather small number of the compatibility of the extensions of PC ver.
Now, compatible extensions are even less, due to the rewriting of the Firefox source code. Fortunately, over time, compatibility of extensions in the new Firefox are increasing, especially in the Nightly version.
- Save extension configurations to the cloud -
Very useful for those who do not want to re-configure all the extensions installed from scratch every time you restore everything you saved in the cloud (example: after formatting the device or having changed with another device).
- Full screen -
The possibility to see the entire web page without the navigation bar and the Android status bar always present, exactly as in the PC ver.
- Rename websites on the main screen -
This functionality is not in the Android / iOS ver. and, oddly, not even in PC ver. I'm talking about the possibility of changing the name of the websites saved in the main Firefox screen, which appears when we do we open a new tab.
- Offline pages -
As an Offline Browser user, I wouldn't mind having a similar functionality on Firefox. I'm talking about the possibility of saving all the content of that web page, so that I can read it over and over again without having to connect to the Internet.
- Easter Egg à la Chrome -
Do you know the representative egg of Google Chrome that appears when the web page is not loaded successfully due to the absence of the Internet connection? Yes, I'm talking about the dinosaur game where it runs endlessly.
I wouldn't mind that there was that Easter egg on Firefox, a game (of the space shooter genre, in retro style) where we control 360° a firefox that flies all over the galaxy. It will be up to the developers to decide how they want to make it all.
The same Easter egg can also be proposed in the Info screen of the Firefox version.
- Task Manager -
Since there is in the PC ver., I wouldn't mind that it was also on Android / iOS ver. I am referring to the Task Manager, useful for taking a look at which processes are active at the moment, such as web page services and extensions, thus being able to understand how much RAM memory they occupy.